
Please let just be what they tell the press and not the names they really use. Hope is all I got right now.

Please let Trump’s Secret Service codename be Cheeto.

Did not know that thank you.

That sucks. I’ve wanted to part a car out for about five years now just to make some extra cash.

Clearly just laying the groundwork for a 2020 bid for president.

Even as a small pickup lover that doesn’t even make on my radar of fear when it comes to the orange one taking the reins.

We really need to get rid of that damn thing. Screwing over small pickup lovers out of spite for decades. Crap like that needs to have a built in expiration date.

Makes you wonder if it’s got an STI drivetrain or they just wanted the spare tire to breath a little better eh?

You say “sad” but they died a much more pleasant death then the rest of us are going to. Sure the timing was off by several decades there is no denying that. However is there anything better feeling then sex when your both in love and in the best shape of your life and you drift off to sleep content and satisfied.

I am just now realizing I spend a lot of time on the summit of Mt. Stupid. I feel like I just fell off the backside and am frantically trying to find purchase with my ice axe before plummeting to my death of embarrassment. Thank you for the reality check.

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Republicans certainly were graceful and accepting when Obama took office. Especially this one guy...

Well if you are already going to hell for /praying/wishing for one untimely death what’s one more?

Oh that moments a coming, might as well ease them into it.

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I have a friend who hit one during a motorcycle race and he still finished with a broken hand. He said he cut it right in half. Apparently it’s not a myth.

I was given some of those back in the late 80's in Northern Michigan and can confirm zero change in deer behavior. They don’t notice you any earlier nor do they shy away as you pass. Somebody figured out they would sell millions before anyone caught on to them is all.

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First let me say I love these cars. I drove the USDM version about ten years ago when I was shopping for one. For fifteen grand you can have a really nice one with some money left over for parts and maintenance. Downside is they are a bit small interior wise if you are over six foot and you will be smelling that gear

Not even close.

It’s not that simple. The things presidents do in office echo for decades. They destabilize pension funds, start wars, cost millions of lives, set precedents. Supreme Court appointments are for life there is no vote for a new one next election cycle. It’s not like you decided to lease a PT Cruiser and have to live

No all presidents do not get everything new-ish when they take office. Congress does however appropriate funds for redecorating the White House every four years. Air Force One, Marine One and the Presidential Limousine are replaced and updated by their respective services.  

Trump is going to get himself a new “everything” when he takes office next year...and all on our dime. Ask the students of Trump University just how much we are going to get for our money. I would not be surprised if actual gold from Fort Knox starts getting splashed on this things badges, door handles and buttons.