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Something about the idle of an 8 cylinder still gets me even on a modern car. I’ve spent my whole life owning 4 cylinders for practical reasons. However growing up in the front yard of a Fisher Body Plant I can’t help but think of how great an 8 sounds at idle...It’s like a lullaby.

What could possibly go wrong?

I know it’s not stock but I can’t help but be impressed by the air this 4Runner gets.

CARB in California is exceptionally brutal to citizen violators and small businesses penalty wise.

{“Get in and make a killing before someone gets arrested” is an accepted business model... }

I was just looking for an excuse to post that vid of the S2000 driver watching his wheel pass him and keep rolling.

50% is pretty significant wouldn’t you say?

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Seals move like a breakdancer doing “the worm.”

That looks like it’s about a driver door opening or a firm passenger door shutting from tipping over.

When I was guiding in Colorado two of the guys I worked with traded vehicles. A new Toyota 94 pickup and a 85 Westfalia pop top. I thought the guy trading the 4x4 was crazy, but compare what a 94 Toyota pickup goes for then look at an 85 Westy pop top.

Well that business model is also something they probably got from the US.

I bet they have been getting away with it for years and this year somebody decided it was finally time.

If something bores me on one of my cars I’m more likely to modify the car then buy a different car. Then again I keep my cars longer then most folks stay married.

LOL you got me. I thought you were going to list all supercars after that first sentence. Perfect set up!

Not if they are all Mint 400 miles.

Maybe in a blind tasting. Truck guys are pretty label conscious.

I think this is Toyota saying to Jalopnik “Your brown, diesel, manual wagon can suck it”.