
Fuel pump kill switch is like ten bucks and a half hour of your time FWTW

Uber toxic waste disposal.

Lot of fiddling with the empties if you ask me. Just go for the Avenger and skip the good enough solutions.

Possibly the most stolen car in history? Type R owners typically have like six layers of security and still only park it when they can view it out a window. Probably the least stolen car due to keys found dangling in the ignition.  

Problem is these pipelines often lead to super fund sites. You can live your entire life without having to drive to work. You can live a few days without water.

The working class is definitely paying a price to give those yearly bonuses to oil execs.

I’m not seeing any 1971 in this picture.

Here are the Pro’s of a performance Camry:

If you buy it new. If you’re driving a stanced Civic without a plate you wouldn’t make it five miles without a ticket in the Sacramento valley.

This was king in the first online Fallout game. It was either this or cattle prod set to overcharged in the highly competitive 10k class. A critical sent your enemies into a blood spraying spinning death spiral. Plus the sound was awesome.

I’ve definitely said that a few times in traffic, but what follows is day dreaming of a plan to leave the city and live somewhere less congested.

It’s mostly state by state. California is by far the strictest when it comes to engine swaps and most modifications. Which is ironic because this is where most of that stuff was born and became a huge/important part of different cultures. Mostly it has evolved into a poor tax and a way to penalize people who cannot

What he should of done is said “Aw hell no” and drove the hell away and gave them a low ass rating.

They are pointing out a grammatical error it again.

Don’t get too excited just plastic hubcaps. Already on Ebay it looks like.

I don’t think you understand. Like the box next to him in the pic but with a few fifteen hundred page chemistry books or the like.

Twelve broken ribs, a broken pelvis, ruptured spleen, shredded bowels, five surgeries and too jacked up to work even after recovering. Even without PTSD that sounds like a hard pass. Ten million isn’t going to be a bounty after giving the lawyer forty percent then uncle sam etc... If you’re young you will have to play

Why didn’t somebody jam a backpack or something in there to lessen the crushing? My kingdom for a book bag of a science major?