It’s not closed if there is nobody there to throw you out!
If life is a game these guys have it dialed in like nobody else.
They pop up a few times a year here in California with over 100k on them so likely you could still be riding it trouble free. Plenty of them for sale on any given day with 50-30k on them. Honestly I don’t know why they changed it up to the latest generation.
I think Kinja’s superp0wer is it is impervious to science and logic.
Don’t worry I got your back man. There is some lawyer dude on that Jalopnik site (Steve Cheeto I think) and you could totally sue that other dude for like false advertising. If that doesn’t work there is this other guy there that buys used dream cars all the time for less the price of a Kia Forte. He could probably…
If you really want it and want to get it for under the sticker.... I hear tell there is some guy on Jalopnik that makes a living negotiating deals on new cars. Might be worth looking into.
Now compare that with 96+ hours a week in an ambulance. Four 24 hour shifts a week, running non-stop with zero sleep, never seeing the station, doing scene calls, long distances and inter facility transfers. (80 hour weeks where you get to go home and sleep every single night seems like pure heaven!) No 660 lbs…
6'3" in an RX8? That seems uncomfortable.
Maybe...but then it will be for sale only in Europe.
Finally a taxi that will stop for a brother on a rainy night. Oh this is some bull$hit!
Interesting thing is that American cars have gotten smaller and Japanese cars have gotten bigger. Despite the fact that Americans themselves have gotten much bigger.
Yeah no. The M3 is this guy’s car. It’s his baby, his dream car and he is very very familiar with it. The dude even has written all about it, filmed himself and the car multiple times and has even gone so far as to name the damn thing.