
I know the moment I put my truck in 4wheel drive mpg goes down way more then ten percent.

My first instinct was “It’s a Jeep thing.” I think you nailed it with that gif. I think that is possibly a license plate holder masking the upper plates outline.

Can’t say as I have. I have spent a over a decade riding next to one of these bastards tho’

I’m more concerned for the poor sob’s in the rear seat that are going to eat that seatbelt bar behind the front seats. Even if they don’t crash that is going to be knocking the crap out of funny bones all day long.

GM should really consider updating their logo/branding style. It’s just so horribly boring. It’s like someone took an old typewriter with the most generic font & most generic symbol ever conceived and made it their brand.

Well it will completely smoke a lot of 100,000+ so called “no compromise sports cars” on the track so there is that.

So a Civic Type R is faster then a freaking 2004 Ford GT, 2003 911 GT3, 2008 Lamborghini Gallardo, 2015 BMW M4 and a Ferrari F430 and it’s “not sporty”?

Mackinaw Island is definitely less car-centric.

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I think you’ll find a sense of humor comes in handy more often then your handgun. Also I believe the little old lady handled the situation rather deftly by just pushing the deer away with her foot and closing the door. I fail to see how a handgun would have been the perfect tool here.

But did you put in the blank on your “reason for” on your concealed weapons permit... “In case I’m attacked by a deer.”

Oddly enough that level of paranoia would disqualify you from owing a firearm. Sort of a Catch-.22?

To be fair it is the Civic Type R and R is for race.. not “I play golf because my bosses all play golf and that is how you get ahead in business.”

So you are saying “If you are going to go clown car go BMW”?

Might just have to try for the next state if you get caught like that in Virginia.

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Let’s hope for something like this instead.

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The only thing I can picture when I hear “Bel Biv DeVoe”

One of Captain Kirk’s many alien encounters?