
Get pulled over and the cop props his hood open. ( Head scratch ) Seems like a horrible tactic as a police officer. Great way to get shot in the back and makes it that much harder to pursue should the person wait till you walk up then just gun it.

Some things are worth a mosquito bite now and then.

Will a Chevy really do sixty in 4WD Low?

With that sort of logic why would you ever leave the comfort of your bed? With work from home, Amazon and grocery delivery online now you too can be free to grow into a 900 lb human bean bag chair.

I don’t know how you got stuck with an 85 speedo but I surely didn’t. Every first gen I’ve seen had one like this. FWIW it took a long time to get from 120 to 127. This was thirty years ago so there was no GPS you generally either had to believe the speedometer or have a buddy use a stop watch on the mile marker

I got one of these in San Francisco when living in the outer Richmond near the beach. If someone has to take a single step sideways when walking across your driveway because your car is in the way they can slap you with one of these.

Does the base model turbo still recommend  87 or is it premium as well?

Well for that kind of money you could get a nice Type R. Of course you couldn’t park it anywhere but a garage or it would get stolen.

Most every story I’ve read about this happening in California was not robbery but rape. Even actual police get busted for that. Right now I would expect the police to be trying to run those two through the DNA database if they can.

Rope: Less complicated if you “think”.

The best part about it is both people agreed it was a good way to move a mattress despite having a freaking van.

Maybe it’s people like this ? Do they still have feet in them?


And he managed to remain married so there is that.

This looks like a car that would be at home on one of those rail driven rides at a theme park. Is there a Fiero in there somewhere?

What does it take to screw up a car so bad that you couldn’t sell so much as an intact hood emblem off it? Category A must be Radioactive. I can’t think of anything else.

Now playing

I was 7 then I guess and at some point a proud owner of one of these.

Any guesses as to whether they will get anywhere near the time as a couple of sober Fast and Furious kids who killed someone?

As a nineteen year old, I bought a 79 RX7 in 1987 and drove 127mph on it’s original tires. That’s how I learned tires have speed ratings!