
Will they finally get themselves an iconic Top Gear ( The Grand Tour) Crew vehicle?

Forget about will it baby. Will it Torchinsky?

Came here to say exactly this but you wrote it better then I could have. Crazy how huge this was back in the day and how we didn’t even know about it until Jalopnik this morning.

Agreed, it should be the original one. I spent too many minutes looking for it so put that up as a place holder then could no longer edit.

I think the bloated comment is probably referring more to the looks department than the actual size. It’s definitely taken on a more chunky appearance over the years.

And Maui...

Family practice drill for sneaking into Canada if Trump wins?

It’s all fun and games until he gets sick of Steely Dan and decides to drive it into a Walmart looking for some fresh tracks.

Jesus took the wheels.

I think it just takes more pushing than an older car. I know it takes me about one and a half turns down the parking garage with a zero charge battery.

Got to get that sweet job with the free charge up parking. There are spaces with free charging here in Sacramento at the courthouse and the hospitals.

Or it’s GT350 at the very least!

I would imagine the same could be said of most Mustang owners. One person’s status symbol is another’s warning sign.

That really depends on if they are pre or post Mustang encounter.

This is the Japanese Mustang. Take all those long winded “I need a story” arguments and sell ‘um someplace else. If this isn’t the Japanese Mustang all is not right with my world, and I don’t want to hear it.

If that is true then it certainly needs to be changed.

People have been tripling horsepower out of tiny Japanese motors out on the flats for decades.

You wish. No, it’s just another twist on the “Women are attracted to psychos” rules.

Woman wins COTD and $Kay sends her Leatherface and an old body disposal pick up?