
Those insanely long wings have to dish out some stress numbers on landing.

Seriously. Do you think David Tracy ever let a woman stand between him and a horrible Jeep purchase?

If you could drive all of Colorado under the speed limit in a Ford GT you should never have been issued a Jalop card.

Ford GT is probably faster then any law enforcement helicopter.

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Maybe don’t spend so much time looking into dark places. Here are some happy endings to take the edge off.

If you do....please don’t describe them to everyone as shitty and unreliable and ruining your life since day one. Also selling them to your elderly landlord should be right off the table!

or Chevelle

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Solid choice if you are a truck guy and can find a good one!

line-x the bottom anyway for road noise and those on the beach drives.

Who says it’s redacted ? Acting CFO Triple X was brought in to reinvigorate the company!

Born in Michigan 2014

I think the whole point of the stunt was they were venting. (Albeit under the guise of public education and some sort of rallying cry against the crap they have to deal with on a daily basis.)

The relevancy is that people observing other people that are behaving in less then civilized fashion have a habit of deluding themselves into believing they are not capable of a acting in such a way.

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or maybe even get your own Zou Bisou gal?

Witness me bloodbag!

Came here to post that! Why does our military not learn from it’s past mistakes? We need more history majors in command positions or something.

fair ....ugh!