Don’t shut it down, just charge less, you corporate mooks!
Don’t shut it down, just charge less, you corporate mooks!
Note the “accelerated deprecation” quote. That’s strategic language. Disney will use this as a tax write off, basically benefiting from it in the end. In another article on this matter:
It’s a shame they don’t revise the property to be just a Star Wars themed hotel for the guests of the park to stay there, removing the LARPing aspect. It would still be fun for fans and kids.
I am desperately hoping that they do the smart thing and support backwards compatibility despite the fact I'm pretty sure they won't.
Nintendo won’t announce a new Switch until I finally buy my Switch this Christmas.
There’s a demo out. So you can give it a try. Digital Foundry also has their tech review for it out
ATB is still turn-based though. You’re waiting a real-life amount of time for each character’s turn to come around instead of an in-game amount of time, but at the end of the day you’re still watching rows of characters stand at each other until you choose an attack on their turn and they act.
I wonder if they have a choice? They may have to contractually show up?
#metoo was all about exposing abuses and the systems that enable them to thrive. Add in the terminally online (a good portion of which are not terribly bright or well adjusted), and the “discourse” amongst the rabble became a fight over who could vent their respective id loudest. As it always fucking does.
Calling GW the “absolute worst” is kind of over the top. They’re not nearly as litigious since they changed management in 2015, not to mention the mess that was the Chapterhouse lawsuit seemed to teach them a lesson. They're still problematic in some ways but mostly their biggest issue is that they're dinosaurs who…
The cast carried it to a degree, but the show was pretty sharp. Didn’t fuck around with a lot of the usual tropes like endless will-they-won’t-they or characters-keeping-dumb-secrets-for-no-reason. It never felt trashy.
Most normal people: “Dang, sounds like a lot of drama an executive meddling. I suppose it’s expected of a company this size.”
Those Weirdos Online: “GET WOKE GO BROOKEEE. This is what happens when you make a GIRL a superhero! I called this with Captain Marvel! The day has finally come!”
While I largely agree with you on this, I don’t think statements made, even under oath, while being held by a totalitarian regime are reliable or probative of anything beyond someone’s understanding of what said regime wants
you throw this in at the end and it basically undermines your otherwise decent points... how is this relevant? should we open this can of worms? athletes from many sports - men and women - will go play overseas to augment their income even when they’re already making relatively great money. how many bands and pop…
I believe she was wrongly imprisoned, and I don’t know why you’re so quick to believe she did what Russia accused her of doing.
I believe she was wrongly imprisoned.
oh my god fuck off, it’s an UNJUST LAW you dumb fucking idiot
In the wrong time and place you could be imprisoned for a stupid fucking username, but that doesn’t make it right. Way to go full fascist tho
She looks like Elton John dressed her for brunch.
Gotta admit, though, that Russia probably didn’t arrest her because she had some weed vapes. The whole thing looked like a hostage taking. With that as context, ol’ Kim there could have at least said something sympathetic. At least she was on brand with Baylor, a school whose men’s team was implicated in covering up a…