
Damn, is every presidential candidate being subjected to unlawful raids?

emotional distress, embarrassment, ridicule, loss of reputation and humiliation

Notably, it’s an accommodation that many other pregnant people who face prison sentences and don’t share Holmes’ privileged background are routinely denied. Roughly 2,000 babies are born to incarcerated pregnant people annually.

They will be provided 60 days severance”

I kinda just want a turned based JRPG that looks really pretty. 

?  How did Apex Legends flop hard?

“You’re being laid off in two weeks” and “you’re being laid off effective immediately...” doesn’t really change anything from the receiving end.

How do you make it illegal to fire someone?

Pretty crazy that people would pay $100 when you could just buy it for $40 digitally and eventually $40 physically when it restocks. FOMO is wild.

Awards shows are designed by people who hate the awards to appeal to people who have no interest in the awards. 

I wish they’d at least embrace being boring. We like the drama of wondering who will win, and the catharsis/defeat of seeing that result. All the cringe comes with attempts to appeal to people who wouldn’t just tune in for a a parade of announcements and acceptances.

Ironically, not watching WandaVision makes Multiverse of Madness a way better movie.

I heard some people actually disliked the screaming goats.  Who could dislike them?  They were goddamn hilarious!

“What we know now?”

Only the first Metroid Prime? You already bundled the three once, Nintendo. Wtf?

Metroid Prime Remaster! You did it! You magnificent bastards finally did it!

And if it were the old CEO, he would also bang your wife using the same threat.

I don’t know what the correct way to cleaner a slicer is but I do know that OSHA would not have approved of the way 16 year old me was taught to clean one years ago.

As the publisher, Nintendo should be privy to information about the scope of the patch.

I think it is quite a feat Gamefreak has managed to pull off to make hardware that is identical output so many different experiences.