I had to look this up because I did not recall this back in ‘07.
I had to look this up because I did not recall this back in ‘07.
That picture reminds me of Helen Mirren, which is not a bad thing at all.
Good for Keanu!!!
Do not forget their tendency to make videos talking about their views posing in front of their gun collection, while holding a gun and or religious texts.
I have been thinking about this for some time.
It only makes sense. Copyright law has been bending to Disney’s whims for longer than most of us have been alive.
Hi Scott. Thanks for this measured and respectful feedback. To answer your question: Thankfully, I am not stupid enough to personally attack a stranger on the internet for doing their job. And boy, am I glad for that. ✌️
saying banning players for hate speech in a video game makes you “feel icky,” fuckin hell the privilege dripping from that statement
The problem is that the more this kind of toxic hateful shit gets normalized the more people think it’s okay. A woman should not have to expect to be called a “bitch” when she’s playing an online game any more than she should expect it walking down the street.
on the other hand I believe in allowing people room to grow and change, particularly when they’re younger.
I don’t know why anyone should cut him any slack. It’s his schtick, and no amount of “it was a bad day” can change that fact. If you started yelling shit like this dude in almost any business establishment someone would eventually ask you to leave. Why gamers think a digital version of that is any different is -…
Allowing people to be publicly sexist makes me feel icky. Some things need to be removed any way possible.
But here we are, with a candidate in my state who has publicly stated feminism is a Jewish conspiracy to demean white men favored to win the seat he’s running for.
I understand what you’re saying, but this isn’t…
This has nothing to do with the “public square” - you sign up for YouTube, Twitch, or an online game, you agree to their Terms of Service. You violate the TOS, you suffer the consequences. End of story. If you don’t like it, don’t enter into a contract with a platform in the first place, or follow the rules you agreed…
I’d be perfectly ok with him failing to find another line of work too.
You joke, but that’s a legit good idea.
Threatened to rape a woman and a pattern of misogyny. I’m perfectly okay with him finding another line of work.
If you ever feel bad about yourself, remember; 6.9 million people like looking up this dude’s nose
Now here’s an idea with some merit.
“not having a good day”
Might as well just ban all streamers just to be safe