
retaining the value of your purchase”

Not so sure about that.

Do you think somebody who spent $100,000 on a car in this game feels like they’ve “retained their value” because they got a generic replacement car in a different game?

Not much of an investment if your return is a random trash car in a game you didn't ask for

2019 Crates and 2020 Keys can be bridged and staked into a SHRD earning pool on Polygon”

Nah it’s cool, some guy in a previous comment section said that if the NFT game goes down you can just take your assets and magic them into the next NFT game somehow.

“Tokens are now practically worthless”

I feel like it’s rather telling that this implementation of awful nft bullshit ultimately also wraps itself in loot boxes. A scam embedded within a scam.

The phrase “play stupid games, win stupid prizes” has never meant anything quite so literal.

My haha applies to the fact that people started calling Kanye a genius the moment Kanye told them he was a genius.

sit down, kanye.

And yet the false advertising was still a criminal act worthy of punishment.

Frorcing you to pay more than advertised price to get the advertised product. Not forcing you to buy it instead of walk away.

The door cup is the concave area under the door handle on the outside, some people install a protective film in that area for scratches

It’s pretty simple; you can’t advertise something for sale at a price that you don’t intend to actually sell at that price or under terms not mentioned in the ad. A grocery store can’t advertise $1/gallon milk, but refuse to sell it to you at that price unless you also buy $10 worth of cottage cheese after you walk

Let me just say, if you don’t have them on your car, it’s a ticking time bomb. They’re usually around $15,000, but we only charge $799.

How is this related to DJ Khalid? 

Lol tried to sound cool and got sent to the principal’s office.

Of course he’s making it up. (And knowing the term “key bump” just means he’s watched the right movies.) I mean, does anyone imagine that someone in the GOP, not exactly known for its principles of inclusivity, is going to invite someone in a wheelchair to an orgy?

You mean they want to know who besides Matt Gaetz?

Kayleigh, you ignorant slut.