You can’t understand them, because their positions is inherently illogical.
You can’t understand them, because their positions is inherently illogical.
Congratulations to this young lady!
The ability to control women and to keep the poor, well poor by forcing a reasonability on them they aren’t prepared for or can afford.
I just finished writing a research paper on human rights failures in Poland last week and after seeing this and the article about the polish abortion flyer zealots harassing Ukrainian refugees all I have to say is fuck Poland right to the burning fires of hell.
This is terrifying and mind numbing, I’ll never understand anti-abortionists. Of course, I also hate religion so, I guess that explains my stance and confusion.
From Ted Cruz, to Ben Roethlisberger, to Reese Witherspoon, to random rich guys: no matter what situation you could conceivably find yourself in, the phrase “do you know who I am?” will never endear you to a single person. It basically makes you the villain even if you somehow were in the right. Just stop before you…
Yes I do know who you are. You are a traitorous POS from Texas who is a sub to a orange turd.
and block his return to Texas
The one time I liked and respected Lindsey Graham is when he observed quite accurately that “If you killed Ted Cruz on the floor of the Senate, and the trial was in the Senate, nobody would convict you.”
Please please please put him on the “No Fly” list so he’ll have to take the bus from Texas to DC like a common armadillo...
Those Haribo cherries are my favorite gummy they make (okay, second to the pineapple flavored bears). I think I need to go out and buy a bag today.
Because that ass is spell-binding.
You can’t devalue something that has literally no value.
Total cartoon fantasy ruling: I would hope that somehow the Judge confiscates both the servers and the money and orders them burned while both sides are forced to watch and make out with each other, which would be filmed and released into the public domain.
Dolly also attached a 30-page manifesto listing all of the bands she doesn’t consider “true metal.”