that username is taken

And Bernie touched on Abortion...point to Sanders

Agreed! Wearing that color and stepping right up and saying yes, I will give you a dollar amount on my plan...being a boss lady tonight

YEAAAAAHH that's right! there are 3 women and 1 man on stage right now, no matter how you feel about Clinton or Bernie I do think that is a mighty nice picture

She also probably CAN’T brag too much because confidence in a man is ego in a woman :(

I love it. Nice and loud. I’m getting a “fuck y’all I’ve got this” vibe

I went to a couple public schools in Pennsylvania and we had nurses too. They gave us scoliosis tests, height/weight records, a place to lay down when sick, and your first period pad if it struck while you were at school (me! 8th grade, marginally embarrassing)

True & co! Never have to leave the house and you can try them under a bunch of returns on what you didn't like

Columbia Minx Fire Tall Lace OH Waterproof boots on Amazon. $70-$130 and toasty warm / dry. Rocked some in 3 feet of snow this week and it was great.

In addition to the plain yogurt, get some apple cider vinegar with the cloudy floaty bits (called “the mother” - Braggs brand is good) and pour a generous amount into your tub with a few inches of warm water. Sit in the vinegar water (before the yogurt). It will be a little burny and a little uncomfortable but I have

Yep I think like this too. I read about this woman and thought how lucky I was I hadn’t ever been shot, just grabbed/restrained/yelled at/had a guy straight up REFUSE to leave my home on 2 occasions after a dinner or party where I clearly stated early on there was no sleepover potential. One of these times was the

Ahh I KNOW THIS SONG. I just can’t remember / find who it is by. My old employer used it in some videos that were definitely geared toward the millennials. I’m pretty sure it is a stock background music track that you can buy rights to.

I am going to get it tonight after reading this! So there is one person

Yay! In 3 weeks I am getting married to someone I met on OK Cupid a few years back :)

Yeah I discovered this when two restaurants in my northern US town started serving it and oh my word. Probably not even as good as Canada's, I know. I need to come visit your lovely sounding land.

YES I do this so easily. I can’t help it my brain just starts assimilating to the accent of wherever I am. I too also do not sound like where I am really from and have been told by others from various countries I don’t sound “American.”

Ooh I like the brushed-up eyebrows. I don't think I have developed the Eyebrow Confidence to do that yet

The Human Fund 2.0!

Don’t quote me on this but I think it depends on the policy / provider as to whether they allow enrollment a into a plan mid-year and if they even consider the disability (ergo, the payments) to last once the baby is born.

Around the age of 7 or 8 I was sitting on the toilet with a book, having a nice little poop session, when my toddler sister opens the door and drags in a little chair and her own book, and sits across from me. My mom naturally takes a photo, has it developed (mid 90s so someone at CVS saw it!) and proceeded to put it

Ugh I am late to the party on this but I just watched it and the first thing I did was turn to my dude and go “they made the kickass ladies go Venezuela and the tough one is suddenly goo-goo baby!” Etc. so I came here because I figured I would be in like company :)