And the people who dedicate Pearl Jam’s cover of Last Kiss to their sweetie on the radio. The girl dies. That’s the point.
And the people who dedicate Pearl Jam’s cover of Last Kiss to their sweetie on the radio. The girl dies. That’s the point.
Story time!
A family member liked this one on FB, bringing it to my attention:
I was unemployed for almost a year (7 months or so) and the job search was really demotivating. I also was living with my inlaws at the time, so almost in the same boat.
Beauty Thread
Charles tends to the gardens. He contributes.
I remember “Summer Under the Stars”. I saw some greats during those few months. My favorite (still) is the in-between promo ‘Up all Night’. For some reason, when I was not able to sleep and this promo would air, it would comfort me that I wasn’t alone and I could get lost in the next movie.
Yup. He’s a lot of fun. And a lot of his videos show men and women of various sizes dancing/working out with him. I really like that. :)
No no no. I’ve had one UTI that probably spread to my kidneys. Nope. It ranks up there with shingles as one of the most painful things I’ve ever experienced.
I’m sure you are fine! I’m just so used to seeing my mum or MIL using their phones like this while tapping way too hard and whinging about not being able to get the google to work. It’s weird seeing it in the Oval Office.
It’s the pointer finger on the touch screen. It’s a telltale mum phone move.
If you look carefully I’m sure you’ll find a small sled called Rosebud.
Thank you! Moi: married for decades (now widowed), childless by choice, no regrets. Yet the children question still comes up sometimes when I meet new people. Maybe they’re just trying to make conversation, but it infuriates me.
We always have Jennifer Aniston. She’s pretty cool about being childless.
There’s a great episode of This American Life that features a young man who literally has perfected echo location to the point where he can ride a bike in traffic.
Man, and I thought T-shirts over waffle-weave thermal undershirts were bad enough
Rich... Holy crap. Taking me right back to middle school/early high school. I love this. We weren’t allowed to watch MTV, but my mom didnt get home til 5 from work so we alwaysssss snuck in TRL.