that username is taken

She’s dying.


Gov wolf has at least promised to veto.

The PA governor promised to veto!

My favorite moment at the D.C. march was when a 3 or 4 yo little girl came through the crowd on her dad’s shoulders and she looked at all the women around her and smiled and threw her fist in the air. Everyone in the vicinity threw up their fist too and cheered for her. I hope she manages to remember this moment and

Every time I see one of those banks my head hurts. Why.

I was buying cheese the other day and saw that the wine had been allowed to migrate sliiiiiightly out of the special area to be advertised with paired cheese and it was like I had seen a unicorn. I pointed and gaped and clapped in glee

Leftover fried food from Joe’s was one of the most decadent 3am drunk meals I ever had ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

“But a lot of the depth of how bad I feel stems from the sheer difference between it and how I expected to feel. It’s shattering.”


i am sending much love your way

Exactly!! I have some fun stuff I could spend that money on if it wasn’t imperative for my old age...

Child free married lady here so I feel ya. People like to say “but who will take care of you when you are old?” (What a bad reason to have kids!!) I tell them all the money I didn’t spend on raising a child will take care of me, well invested :)

It won’t be suitable for colored hair but on natural strands I had success with the suave daily clarifying set when I went through a period of time where I had to be fragrance free. I think there is a mild scent to it (soapy a la fragrance free Dove soap) but I always found it gentle in that regard.

So sorry. When my hubs’ mom died I just told him every morning and every evening that I was here to talk (he didn’t want to) and spent time with him and eventually the cloud begins to lift but the healing process can be slow. Sending caring vibes your way!

I have always had great success with A&D ointment on terribly dry skin In the USA you can usually buy it in the childcare/baby aisle at the pharmacy as it’s marketed for use on diaper rash and windburn, but you can definitely use it on a host of other things. It’s very sticky so squirt onto the back of your hands, rub

Holy Guacamole you win. I thought I had it bad in the Year of Our Lord 2007 with someone who would throw her books at the wall if I used the TV (but then blared it herself all day) but, no. No. I was lucky. Egads.

I am so sorry for your brow loss. Truly. And screw those tart comments even if you WERE trying to be “tarty” it’s your prerogative. I had an employer who would say stuff like that.

I haven't found one for energy (aside from the usual drugstore Multis like you) but for other lady health benefits I have found the Yogi Moon Cycle tea to be very calming and hormone balancing

Same!! Also my stopping point but I am willing to try again with another lens in mind