
 This was on Shark Tank already.

This was on Shark Tank already.

Don’t blame me, I bought a crossover.

Trump’s grift to Putin!

If it’s wrong, I don’t want to be right

Everyone in the ‘SUV’s suck’ thread.

Maybe Ford is hoping to pull a Superman move in a few years and bring back cars from the brink of extinction... well, we can dream anyway.

I would like to propose the ‘Lithium Battery Challenge’ on youtube. You bite a battery and see who can hold it in their mouth the longest. Alright high schoolers, go for it!

This is completely unusual.

I came here for the Goonies ref and left satisfied

that’s a slap in the fascia

I guess the claw marks are from people trying to get away from the ‘stang

A lot of this is true. A lot of it isn’t.

the 8-series was CSI before CSI was a popular television program

I’ll do it if I can get one without CUE

If I have to NetFlix a race... wait, that wouldn’t be too bad actually.

It is also made of No. 2 lead, apparently

The bigger the spoiler, the faster it goes.

1000% yes! Everything is competing for your attention. That’s the big secret to modern marketing.

I totally want to take a nap in those seats tho