
And the fact that Seth Rogan was making all those Apple II’s.

How do they not make that luggage cart autonomous too? Missed opportunity there Renault.

Obligatory: It’s still a chick car.

Some lucky lady is going to love driving that car.

Still a chick car.

I was shocked when I found out my G was significantly less valuable once the Q50 came out. Infiniti re-invoiced all new G’s to be less than the Q and screwed over a lot of people overnight.

Are we talking Britney and Cristina of today or back in the day, because that would influence my answer?

Forget that improvement crap. I’m going to Mars with my man Musk!

In fairness, if you put Obama in that headline, some people would be celebrating.

that explains the anus air vents

a match

underappreciated comment right there

5th gear:

I’ve put my car in a ditch before for a lot less, e.g. to get the insurance money to pay the next month’s payment. So, yeah, I’d do this.

Indy Car is still a thing? Huh, that’s cool.

One thing right: not letting Richard Hammond drive the car! Zinger!

Because it’s not a 996

It had me at ‘registered female’ owner. I didn’t know we had to register them now, but I’m sure the wife isn’t going to like it.

I think two broken girls is something else... A friend told me