
Seriously people are taking things way too far, we were banging but when i started going down on her she winced cause shes not into that. She didn’t say stop but I should of noticed her asshole clenching so now I committed sexual asssualt. Hahaha I’m all for making sure things are on the up and up but some of you

You sound kind of whiny but your not wrong.

Yeah he always seemed like a good guy sucks his demons have such a hold on him hopefully he can come out of this and get and stay clean.

He reminds so much of one of my best friends republican, alcoholic father groing up it’s crazy.

I mean you are comparing completely sheltered and coddled millionaire athletes but yeah ronaldo is a twink soccer star ken doll. His doll would have a Ken Doll Ferrari , a plastic blow drier, a tiny plastic mirror that’s really just a shiny sticker, a thong, bottle of hair grease and a tiny little butt plug.

F@CK YOU MAN YOU... Oh... ummm... shit... you got me????

Do you have 6 kids douche bag

Isreal has been caught making propaganda videos, Isreali soldiers dressed as Hamas. The gold star of David chain peeking through a guys shirt gave it away.

Speak for yourself had a 06 turbo forester xt, did 0 to 60 in under 6 seconds , best car I ever had and I could put the seat down and throw bikes in the back, I helped move people with that thing. Would buy a Levorg

That and having this citizen review board that I keep hearing about actually have some kind of authority instead of their reports going directly into the NYPDs trash cans. The police have already proven they can not be depended on to regulate and punsish their own members for violations that are so flagrant they are a

Seeing that fat blob of a hick who probably day dreams about his time on the high school football team and lives vicariously through JJ Watt tumble down those stairs was extremely satisfying.


Well it’s really only the I need gritty, tough, guys that play the right way type of managers that are stuck. They’re usually so stupid that just mere sight of a percentage symbol would make their brain explode. What am I some kinda fa@@ot nerd, get this out of my face!

Conversly if Demarco is such a god and didn’t depend on that O line why does he suck fat balls? Dude can’t even get out of the back field, can’t have it both ways.

Yeah he’s always seemed like a good dude and I’ve enjoyed listening to him. Management is a bunch of douchers.

Hot take: there is nothing classic about the veyron, it’s an engineering marvel but when I look at it, it stirs no emotion or movement in my pants

I’d agree with you so what if you’ve been highlighting the negative aspects of the program. The public needs access to this information so the goverment and contractors are at least emberassed about the innefficiency of the whole thing. This is our money they’re incinerating at an astronomical pace.

Too many cooks, and defense contractors willing to accomodate them all even if they know it may not be possible or in the programs best interest because of HOLY SHIT LOOK AT ALL THAT MONEY!!

But it doesn’t sound like my big sloppy ass V8 in my piece of shit Mustang this things sucks. How am I supposed to look like a hard on reving my engine at stop lights and the McDonalds parking lot now?

I wanna a big V8 baby just like the big sloppy ass ones they through in some shitty sedans to make AMERICAN MUSCLE yeeee haaaaa