
Haha found some sucker to wife her up

Yeah pretty crazy life, I found it interesting

What kind of cock tease doesn’t their t shirt off in the hot tub? And you wonder why he isn’t calling you back? Pffff

HarbWahhhh! is the biggest whiny bitch in the league.

Just pulled a gentleman last night

Idk man but I’m an electrical engineer that works in RF and it would literally take me a half a day and 15 dollars in parts to design something that would radiate enough to swamp out whatever wireless signals they’re using. Belichik get at me!

They’re pretty funny and if that’s what you gathered from this interview you have the fucking I.Q. and social awarness of one of my dick hairs.

Probably looking for something to weigh all that weed, wanna be fuck asses, all of them lol.

Haha dude acting like your white privelege doesn’t exist isn’t going to let you hold on to it any longer, from a white dude.

Good guy with gun is a lazy fuck, gets unsecured gun stolen by criminals and innocent people die more at 11!

I rock them when nothing else is clean but they are kinda slobby.

What I’ve worn some cheap shit before but never had that happen.

Paul Ryan looks terrible with that collar, looks like a fuckin college intern

Ahh some one couldn’t hack their engineering program haha.


Yeah but in this market it’s better to already have a quarterback that can win once the other pieces fall into place instead of wading through all the dogshit quarterback scraps. There’s guys in the league getting paid top dollar because theyre half competent qbs and half the teams are starting dog shit at the most

Your not wrong

It’s still her fault, looking all yummy in that zebra suit. A man can’t be expected to concetrate with that around.

Loled at body oil, because it’s true haha

This right here, people don’t realize it’s just a recovery system. If your not hitting the brakes your not using the hybrid portion. That being said those cars are usually wrung to the last drop as far as aero and all the other efficiency tricks and still will get very good gas mileage during highway driving.