
You want a cheap sportcar or one that can compete with other 100K-200k+ sports cars

Yeah only you

It’s a good thing the Colts GM adressed the offensive line defficiencies in the off season, oh wait... I think they said Andrew Luck has had something like 20+ different O line men since his rookie year. That GM shouldn’t have a job.

What are you talking about? This a clear violation of the rules of baseball man. These two pussy boys aren’t hard nosed enough, some one needs to catch a baseball to the face rabble rabble rabble.... (fart)

This is amazing doing a jump at 70 mph where they could have easily come out squirrely and hit those trees haha


Seriously this grumpy ass old man in the dugout. Imagine this in any other sport? The opposing coach runs on the field and starts yelling at the wide receiver who just scored a touch down because he did a little dance. A b-ball coach yelling at James Harden for stirring the pot and commanding the team goon to elbow

I wonder if the GM wants him to play so he called TMZ up gave them 10k to run the story. Could be the coachs guy vs the GM’s guy type of deal.

Yeah people act like it’s just a gossip rag but they’re right 99% of the time.

Fuck me thats beautiful

Yeah dude I’ve been an engineer on a high profile job for my company. Granted we are really small, only a few hundred employies, but it was pretty normal for even the president to show up and grill us on how things were going. Maybe these guys wouldn’t be popping in on the engineers constantly but I have to believe

Seriosly fuck states rights, I can drive 30 minutes and be under a set of new totally foreign laws to me because of a bunch of greedy drunk old forefathers. Fuck them

Because fuck VW thats why why would they do them any favors?

Jerry could afford to have all his chompers replaced with diamond -titanium shark teeth he simply gives no fucks haha


Dude saw the ball released right in front of him had time to take a couple steps then lower his head into the QBs, it’s a definite penalty and a dirty play is he your brother or something? It’s not like he was in the air or even in the middle of his helmet dive he started after the ball flew by his face haha.

Yeah they look like goon dumb asses

Hybrid setups are simply recovery systems, they help when you’d be losing energy to braking and deaccelerating and that’s it. The theoretical maximum mpg of a hybrid system is still the car cruising at about 40 mph with no stopping. Most do so well because of the crap can engines, low resistance tires, aero and other

When corporations ship jobs off to people who can’t afford the basic necessities of life and pay them pennies on the dollar don’t you mistake it for anything else than greed you fucking boot licking pussy.

Just because your a modern day ni@@er doesnt mean other people should be happy to be.