
Does anyone else not think babies are cute? Is it just me? All I see are tiny plump old men, but not in an adorable way. I’m completely unmoved by baby photos.

Not knowing how to spell Camaro despite the name clearly being in the title and other posts...

Only chimpanzees can bang on the bongos.

Harry's U-Pull-It in Hazleton, PA. They claim to be the largest junkyard auto salvage yard in the world. Not sure if that's true but it's definitely up there. It's worth it just to pay the buck at the door and wander around, you never know what you'll find.

What a stupid, podunk, insecure little company farm Oregon is for letting this shit happen. Outside of Portland, there's a quivering little nothing of a state that lets itself get steamrolled by Phil Knight, Nike, Intel and just about anyone else who makes them feel "big time" for just a second. Usually it's just a

Why a "[sic]" for "pores" there? That's the correct usage.

"Sorcia, I'm in love with your best friend [a dude with a hilariously ridiculous name that I cannot post here]. We're moving to Virginia and I hope you'll be happy for us."

It was new to me, and I was 12, SO BACK OFF

I live in Eugene, OR and there are so. many. people. like this here. except they are all damn liars. they don't hunt or forage or anything, they just get high and eat taco bell like the other U of O rejects. His music sounds like shit I hear walking through downtown.

"It WAS a good script!"

Battery Park, at night, by the water and illuminated by the Statue of Liberty. Only audience was rats and potential muggers, which is just the way I likes it.

"Preach." - Barack Obama

Every day is the Puppy Bowl at my house.

Can't I love the original movie, and still be excited to see this new one?

Go see one in person, then go test drive it. It's a great (not very small) car. Everything but the range is perfect. I personally think the range extender is a dumb idea.

The i3 is awesomely cool, not hideously hideous!

Yes. Really. It isn't because the kids didn't understand relationships and went to a weird place. I also did similar types of things as a young man. It was awful, but it's being a kid.

Wow. You might want to go see a therapist.

Alternate Take:

Guys are really bad at not weirding out women.