
Easy. What, exactly, is she supposed to do while the other flight attendants serve alcohol? Her not doing it means more work for the other flight attendants because they never serve just alcohol, they serve all beverages and she can no longer do that. And on small or low-cost flights they’re usually understaffed as it

I assumed they were both serving down the aisle and every time alcohol was ordered it’d be the responsibility of employee not this woman [Anna] to fill it. Then, when it’s not regular service time, Anna is having to respond to all alcohol orders. So the scenario goes something like this: both attendants walking down

Part of a flight attendant’s job is to serve alcohol. You should be able to carry out all your job requirements, unless you are physically incapable. She’s not physically incapable, she’s spiritually incapable. Therefore she doesn’t belong on a plane where most passengers are going to want to have alcohol. What if

The issue here is that Stanley understood that she and ExpressJet had worked something out — and then ExpressJet changed its mind without telling her. I’m not against employers working things out with their religious employees if possible.

Yea, no. Everyone is supposed to be pulling their own weight. What if I, as a flight attendant, decided that serving meat on Fridays is against my religion during Lent. That would mean that my colleagues now need to do their own task and the one that would have been assigned to me. Every flight attendant position on

I want to feel bad that they agreed to some sort of compromise and then revoked it. However, how annoying to have co-workers who are not able to pull their weight on the job because they made a personal choice and decided everyone should just deal with it. No one is forcing her to consume alcohol, but part of her job

I don’t know. I may pitch a fit too if I’m the second flight attendant on a packed flight and I all of a sudden have to start doing my job plus filling drink orders for the other attendant because they converted to Islam (and kept serving for a year) and just found out they can’t serve alcohol. That seems like you’re

There is NO difference between the alcohol and medication issues. It’s ridiculous. If your fucking conscience impedes you from doing what a customer is asking you to do (legally), give up the job.

This is the greatest gif of all time.

Wow... that is SOME cross to bear. That will be this guy’s title to the day he dies.
“Hey! You’re Madonna’s Gay Brother, right?”

It may be? I accept all forms of tortilla/meat/tom/cheese/sour cream combinations.

When I worked at Peet’s, we would regularly enter bitchy customers’ names as “Pamela BGD,” meaning “Pamela, bitch gets decaf.”

I would do anything for meatloaf, but I won’t do that.

Re: Miley’s “undetectable ass” - can we just leave body shaming to the assholes who are already doing it so well and, as feminists, not shame each other’s bodies?

1. I live in NJ, although the only time I have enjoyed a burrito is in the mission. STILL WOULD RATHER EAT TACOS THO.

Controversial opinion: Chipotle sucks and so do burritos.

Absolutely love these books and really can’t wait to read this one. It’s the best depiction of female friendship I’ve ever read. Don’t let the covers put you off, it’s beautiful literary fiction.

They do, but read them anyways; they’re amazing.

I took PTO on Tuesday specifically to devour this book. I have been pushing it so hard on my friends to the point of actually buying them copies and they are so grateful once they start reading.