
The dress is fine, I guess? But I’m a person who is phobic of revolving doors, and that SJP video made wiggy to the point deepcalmingbreaths. NOPE. No ‘mam. Nah. Stopthatrightnow.

COSIGNED. Banana deathsmell trauma is REAL.

Nope, as a banana hater, bananas are stinky and terrible. I once barfed because a dude was eating one in our elevator (to be fair, I was pregnant and puking all the time anyway) BUT STILL, bananas have a strong smell.

Just checking in to brag that I own a pair of vintage Sophiaesque sunglasses that are my favourite things in the world. They’re almost exactly the same as the ones in the airport shot. I have a face like a couple of slices of ham that have been left in the sun; but they make me feel BEAUTIFUL. May queen Sophia reign

I’m just going to leave this here. “He then tried to flee police custody, and was subdued with the help of a taser and pepper spray”.

Completely unrelated, but my mum kept fluffy chickens and they are the actual best. Super-duper good tempered (Mean Chickens are a thing!) and charmingly dumb. (They’ll sit on egg-shaped rocks if they find them). This picture has made my morning better.

I bet you’ll both love it! I learned as a 30 year old and it’s one of the best things I’ve ever done. Mermaid-style good wishes from this internet stranger!

Ohmygosh. Yep. MANY SOMETHINGS in my eyes. This is just lovely.

Your comment is genuinely an antidote to all the garbagy-people icky ick in this story. I have dad-envy, enjoy yours!

Um, the next time you see your mom could you give her a high five from me, just ril quick like?

Now playing

Ohmyglob. That’s just horrible. Here’s something to make us feel better:

Ohmygosh. Look at his fancy little self! Also, he can swim right? Baby hippos can swim? Because blooop, into that water and then... CUT TO DRINKING MOTHER HIPPO. Like a Lifetime movie.

Bobby! You. Rock. This was such a great piece.

Hoo boy. “Brat-stached piss boys like Justin Bieber”. That’s... bracingly vicious.

omg. SAME.

I think there might be a German word for this exact feeling. If there’s not we should make one up.

OOOU. I would pay good internet cache to hear every last detail of this story.

I know a lot of people are saying it, but it’s hard to overstate how important Sassy felt at the time. For 92 - 94 me, jammed in to the suburbs and fucking furious, I swear that shit kept me alive. Other magazines made you want to BUY stuff. Sassy made you want to BE stuff.

I feel your pain. Also, I would literally punch a child for a pack of Bassets Jelly Babies.

All of these get a solid yes from me.