
Yeah, that 12-5 streak was totally unremarkable, was it?

“Hi, I’m the man in the hat, and this is my friend Curious George”

“gets the Philadelphia fan mentality”

Pederson: “I would like to talk about the Philadelphia Eagles’s offensive play in the playoffs....oh wait....”

It is. They’re little kids; they’ll learn.

Wrestling is an excellent sport for young children to learn.

I’m just going to say it.

Don’t worry. It’ll feel better next Sunday when the Donks don’t even come within a last-minute drive of the Pats.

“as an Eagles fan”

And if the Patriots weren’t in the habit of winning the big one, you wouldn’t be able to name three of their starters.

2012: 2-14. The team was getting open letters from the local media as to why they just didn’t care.

Bandwaggoners need to be reminded “Just because they are winners doesn’t make you one.”

Climate change is going to uptick handsomely from the burning of Seahawks jerseys by bandwaggoners.

....Look, I was trying to be nice to the Texans, all right?

I’m not.

Oh my God.

The Houston Texans’s final record was 9-7. I’d put them in the category of “good, but not great”. They didn’t suck.

I agree that Houston and Washington maybe shouldn’t have been there, but not GB. Second-half GB was terrible, though.

Yeah, but we’re talking A vs. A+.

“Clearly less talented team”