
Man, this isn’t funny anymore.

Except you live in a trailer near Richmond.

Remember to make sure that “Injun pizza” is on special!

I would gain so much respect for Papa John’s right now if they responded with an Instagram of Manning and said “Sorry, we only back winners.”

Before the Internet destroys your faith in humanity, try to remember this: For every racist/misogynistic/homophobic/justfuckingcruelorjustfuckingstupid comment that there is, 10 people will go out of their way to call the commenter a shit-for-brains. On sites where you can downvote comments, they invariably get a lot

Take it from a Chiefs fan: NO ONE is more perfect for that “my cock”joke than Alex Smith. The man has the loudest fucking audibles in football.


Another issue for Carolina down the road is the fact that all of these star players will want to be PAID like star players. I don’t think the Panthers can afford all of them.

Dude, I’d LOVE to see Carolina jump up there permanently. It’s just that fluke seasons do occur. You could be right, I could be right; we’ll just have to wait and see.

“lol I do love racing”

Prove it. We here on Kinja have been on the Internet for longer than 2010 bro. Believe it or not, people LIE on here and we’re aware of that.

Nevermind, folks. I just got a load of this asshole’s posting history. Loves NASCAR and defends the Iraq-invading decision.

Have you? And we’ll be expecting proof.

Tell me: What is the extent of your personal relationship with the man?

I loved how they threw in the white flag on beer quality there.

In all fairness, Osweiler’s going to be a big reason for Denver’s post-SB slump.

Remember that in 2014 with this EXACT same team, they barely broke .500.

If shit like that can be brushed off by “he was in college”, then maybe it’s time to reevaluate what the legal age of majority is.

To be fair, if you DID think that, it WOULD invalidate your opinion.

You should probably just eat the shit then. Yeah, sorry.