
Nonsense. See why Tesla is using a different model now???

As an American I say;

I love jalopnik lol- so much smug, petulant hate for all trucks. Breathe your own farts much??? 

So are you lol

They sell well. Read the reports

So much hate for this. Silly really. All you folks with your lame cars. Self justifying and reaffirming your Tastes and preferences in cars with such arrogance.  Look at the growth year over year and quarter to quarter; it sells to happy expectations and to all launch targets BTW. Know your facts before you project

I don’t like the noisy new format. It’s caused me to read less

Moderator- keeping me gray? Scared of the truth??? Yea we see you


Know the political spectrum theory ie no left/right. It’s a circle. Marxists and fascists meet together in the back. Brave remark considering you seemingly didn’t consider that. On your perspective they are divergent- it’s really quite more complicated than that; they’re behaviors mimic BOTH classic Marxist and FACISM

Antifa= fascist/Marxist combo of seditionists. Treat accordingly

So many reasons.

This will never be in the shop like the the other Italian FCA junk. Nope. Never

Jeep has the heritage with the old grand W, so there is a basis for a higher end product. The customer base? I wouldn’t equate any typical mopar devotee as necessarily interested.

I recognize your point and don’t necessarily fully disagree with you. You, are perhaps not the Intended target consumer then. Most folks in this segment have insane branding loyalty. Market visibility, brand recognition will mean for near term that the Jeep is still a runaway sales success. That heritage they

Means the difference because they’re selling a lifestyle brand. visibility And brand recognition are powerful marketing agents that reinforce brand value and turn into more sales and repeat customers than a lesser or unknown item from others. there’s more than a generation who have no connection to Broncos. THat

I use this app and it works great. Elevation and location. Super handy when I bombing around on my Sidebyside .....

3rd gear;


That corporate steering wheel is hideous