
My lastest thought is-


In reality Berkeley is a liberal hole of overthought, best intention gone bad, over educated yet no common sense mental illness.

In general I’m with those who hate these aftermarket light changes- they’re usually done poorly and I’m tired of being blinded 

Your very angry...

Lol..... na!

He’ll yea!

With a beer in hand!

Or something all day!🍻

A part of fuck says fuck off ford- why try to Act tough, important, relevant and credible now? I mean You willfully left this market 25 Plus years ago.....

Just another attack on a fabric institution of our democracy.

Folks this is the the look of FACISM.

Curious point- let’s agree to disagree on your last part; I’m not not sure about that your take at the end.

And crazy to think it almost had a basis from which it could have been a much better product. More effort and money required;

Unstable thought;

In the days of falling off bumpers during initial drive home??

In fairness; the gladiator seems A bit short on realizing maximum potential and could go a bit further from the oem....

I would comment but I’m not a antifa enough get out of the gray..... after 10 years of reading and wasted words....

I would comment but I’m Jalopy enough to get out of the gray after a decade of words 

So much anger here.