
And just think the dozen largest ocean going auto carriers in world pollute more than every car on earth…..

I know you hate trucks. That’s ok. Instead the hate and pointing out deaths because of big trucks; at least 2x those death numbers die from the opioid crisis. Fix your politics, fix lots of problems at same time! WIERD!!!!!

Used to sell great- above expectation.

These are dangerous folks- don’t make any mistake about that. Read up on them.

This psa was bright to you by ……

Your whole list is offensive and screams “I am a Marxist”. Leave please us. Just every place- anywhere you ever end up -before you over stay. For the love of god quit the hate.

As someone who lived in Florida- I can tell you why this law is; because 300 decibel Stereos are beyond obnoxious. At the beach or sitting in your house.

Pretty hard write up on an extremely popular car. 100k cars for almost 10 years suggests those flaws aren’t that tragic or maybe you’re wrong. I feel the crosstrek ire is similar to the jalop hate on pickups…. Makes little sense

If you all want the truth-

Stupid article.

Worthless read. I want that time back. Junk

Disembowel thieves

Thieves should be neutralized 

I’ve noticed 2 things after many years

You want the truth??

My words are gray. How uninspiring for participation. Call for help!

Conspiracy, espionage and treason. Take her to the gallows…

Hey Bellwood-

The amount of hate for this vehicle inspires me to consider it just to spite the like of the haters I see here. I thumb my nose at such self overvalued nonsense

Go get them. Perfect example of corporate runaway greed. We don’t need unions eh? That’s why most you you work harder than hell and have less than ever in general to show for it. “Proving me wrong” will only serve to show you drank the cool aid…