That Lamer

Still need real anti cheat on PC, so that literally every single lobby isn’t full of people in god mode.

The part his lawyers would articulate in court if it got that far would be the “reasonable fear of physical injury or death” part. Generally threats have to be reasonably achievable and believable. Threatening to shoot your neighbor fits that description. Threatening a man on the other side of the ocean in a country

You don’t need a 3rd party app for that, you can customize the fuck out of DND within android these days so that it matches whatever your needs are. VIP (family, friends with medical risks, etc) that can bypass it? Certain apps? Alarms? Only during certain times of day? Only for X hours? All covered.

Google put their foot down on brand specific forks, since it resulted in wildly out of date, insecure lower end phones because of lazy/profit hungry manufacturers that would drop software support after a year. The feature you’re talking about is under sound settings, but may need to be enabled.

Of course, you still have the losers (like one of my roommates...) who wistfully look into the middle distance while proclaiming “they wouldn’t be able to get away with an episode like that these days” as if that’s somehow a bad thing that people either willingly, or through peer pressure, chose to mature for the

If GTA is “swinging like a drunk” then maybe it’s about time it sobered up a tad and start dialing in the punches. It can still punch at all of those organizations, still punch at DEY TOOK ARE JERBS conservatives, “ew, is that iceberg? how unethical of you” california neo-libs, etc without also piling on to people who

Define “bad, horrible, and morally compromised” to the point that you know they “should be sent to jail for a lifetime”, because realistically over the course of 50 missions where you murder hundreds of hired goons and cops, that’s all of em. But characters like Franklin and CJ* weren’t that bad morally, they were

You’ve never been able to purchase/stash emergency vehicles in the history of the franchise, they’ve had a pretty clear stance about that for a while. Even going so far as to run a script to flag and correct accounts that glitch the police outfits.

You don’t really understand how the texas power grid works. Forcing it to “collapse” (temporarily ration power to primarily rich neighborhoods and away from everyone else) will just result in higher power rates, and thus rampant profiteering from our power and gas companies. All of this is by design, and there’s no

Texas is not ready for EVs, and that’s by design because it’s an unregulated republican shithole that literally owes the vast majority of it’s wealth to fossil fuel production.

If you want something with a bit of complexity but without having to literally maintain spreadsheets and work a second job within your guild, pick up a bundle for X3 or X4, depending on your budget.

I get it, your overlords demand a certain volume of video content. Throw two paragraphs after the embed at the least.

Unless you wanna run through with some different dialogue choices, I would actually just hodl until the expansion drops. You can always do that on the expansion run. I say that as someone who’s done two playthroughs with just about 200 hours logged.

Almost like “this game was a broken disaster” wasn’t actually the universal experience.

Yep, same here. Time and time again people drench themselves in prerelease media and end up disappointed, in some cases with prominent figureheads getting raked over the coals for it. (Todd Howard, Peter Molyneux, Sean Murray, et al.) So I’ve long learned to ignore that bullshit and just wait for the game, and reviews

They’re never sweating that decision, cmon.

Also commenters historically argue that its just like physical trading cards, also lacking the empathy and understanding that, perhaps that too is gambling, and just because theres decades of apathy/social acceptance of that form of child gambling doesn’t mean it’s actually a good thing in any way. They also used to

It’s easy to assume otherwise, as for a long while star wars lived on dark horse. But that was obviously set to change when disney completed it’s infinity gauntlet of IP acquisitions.

I assume

Unfortunate that take two is too craven and greedy to put the work in to RDO to make it more of a success than it already is/was, but given the template they laid out in GTAO updates, probably for the best. At best they’d introduce periodic updates with a new job for earning money and gold that would get old quick,