Smaller market. Criminal playboy has broader appeal amongst all demographics than american cowboy, which I assume skews a bit whiter as far as fantasy interests go.
Smaller market. Criminal playboy has broader appeal amongst all demographics than american cowboy, which I assume skews a bit whiter as far as fantasy interests go.
It doesn’t have built in dps meters and they won’t let me run third party ones, therefore I can’t harass people in duty finder for poling 10% lower than everyone else. Clearly bad design. 😤 I’m not toxic btw.
Games Workshop: The imperium is commentary on how fascism is bad, actually
It was apparently at the direction of the author. But I agree, it was pretty offputting for me as well, so I just read the manga.
It seems like Gabe’s objection was more philosophical/conceptual, but from a saturation point he’s also not wrong. That era was rotten with zombies in movies and games. It was a really tiring fad. In my mind, the only reason l4d really shined was because of just how ridiculously well executed it was as a co-op horde…
I’d rather die than stop q-tip banging my thirsty thirsty ear holes!
The new logo’s definitely an improvement over the direct-previous one and is all around perfectly fine, but the older one is the one that most fires neurons in my brain. Jardson’s is really slick though, I’d take that over the current one.
I would also recommend “Backpack Hero” on It’s just a demo right now, but it’s a dungeon crawler rogue lite where you expand your backpack and create builds by inventory tetrising a bunch of shit in.
Yep, completely fucked in firefox (my preferred browser), but working fine for me in chrome with the same adblocking extensions and settings.
The only thing more fun than having to click through all of this miserable shit is trying to actually go back to the article list.
Occasionally whenever there’s ubisoft news, I can’t help but let my mind wander to the Vivendi’s hostile take over attempt from a while back and wonder how things might have turned out had that gone through. Would the company be under by this point? Would it be worse? Would it still have the chronic sexual abuse…
idk I think I’d prefer it to go to a company that will put out more than one game a decade for the franchises.
What does the block chain provide me that a SQL database doesn’t? The ability to click on a url to a jpg that no longer exists in 2 years when these games shut down their servers?
If you can afford to shop elsewhere, do so. If you can’t, you’re not shopping there because you’re thinking “boy, that was the best freezer section lasagna I’ve ever had in my life!” You’re shopping there precisely because it’s good enough to fill your stomach with quality C+ grade nutrients without making you wonder…
Snitching on yourself about having never actually played it. Embarrassing.
For what it’s worth man, I fucking loved it. It wasn’t absolutely flawless on PC, nor does it run great with my gtx970 (8 years old at this point) that I’ve been stuck with through this pandemic and crypto induced shortage, but I still spent nearly 130 hours just combing over every little detail in the world just on…
(which is partly because 90% of the buildings can’t be entered).
They left the crystal palace heist dangling pretty obviously near the end.
CDPR employs 550 people, so that 10ish% bar on the graph represents 50-60 staff still on board just for technical improvement. Which is a lot still, and only signals that the all hands on deck fires have been put out.