how about “top 10 tik tok challenges that are actually OTC drug overdoses?” or “top tiktop challenges that you don’t realize might kill you”?
how about “top 10 tik tok challenges that are actually OTC drug overdoses?” or “top tiktop challenges that you don’t realize might kill you”?
Let me start by saying I personally have a Ps5 and a Series S. Now that we’re on the same page, the only reason I own a Ps5 is for exclusives, and the Series S for Gampass. Which I also use on PC.
Still here? If I want to have access to a game forever I get it on PC. Because no matter what I’ll be able to play it. Now…
I believe the topic in question is that this app is a national security risk, so I don’t see how “tik tok should exist because of the funny memes” is a relevant defense against that.
It started out in the past.
Hopefully, they’re not too pricey, as I’m not about to let a new Sombra skin pass me by.
The rest of it sounds great (shame about the story, thought) but this portion gives me some pause:
“But simply saying that your sole legal defense is that you’re a “contentious objector” without proving ANYTHING to meet that requirement is just cowardly bullshit.”
Steps 1-3: So basically every crafting survival game, ever.
I plyed the game only for a little bit so far and even I did all that already.
Do we really need an article to tell people how to play the tutorial that literally tells you what to do?
Good thing your bosses have never touched a videogame or they’d know this was basically just the tutorial that’s already in the game.
this is kind of pathetic considering these slides are literally the tutorial. i assume this is a quota “article”
You call it a war but from what I’ve seen one side is hurling accusations and insults and the other side is enjoying a new video game.
Sold 7 million copies, or 7 million players? There’s a big difference. I know the tweet text says 7 million copies sold, but the picture says 7 million tamers (players).
I’m okay with it as long as they’re okay with never owning any of my money.
Bethesda couldn’t write an engaging story if they tried. It’s always an afterthought. They focus on world design first, then write stories around it to explain things.
Yes, Cyberpunk’s early issues were clear mistakes. The developers clearly didn’t intend for cars to be falling from the sky or NPC’s to be taking off on invisible motorcycles. CDPR’s response to 2077's disastrous launch was that it needed to be fixed.
I wouldn’t say the story is “rotten to the core.” That would imply that it’s off putting or sickening in some sense.
Instead it’s flat, flavourless and bland.
Ding, ding, ding. We have a winner. Until I see otherwise, I'm assuming this is your standard Ubisoft mono-game. All the same missions, activities, side quests, etc. that are in every other Ubisoft game, just with slightly different names.