that jersey Guy

Well I guess it beats the "who do you think will be fired next? game"

wll i guess it beats the "who do you think will be fired next? game"

uuhhh you mean Justin Bieber isnt gay? well Ill be

California would have generated Genertions of people with elephant sized thighs

I think we need to bring walled cities back

check garage sales craigslist if you need tools or specialty stuff you can always up grade later by selling your old tools for newer ones Im amazed what kinds of wood working tools I have bought at garage sales

so they find 300 gallons of urine in NewTown now thats suddenly impressive


gotta love them commie bastards

I try to get people to Break their mindsets because we are wired to follow instincts and social norms so one littleexercise I do with my people is to get them to come up with 3 funny things they would write on their tombstone...because death isnt funny (usually unless its chuckles the clowns funeral..some of you will


why cant we have the westboro baptist church declared terrorists I hear there might be some cells freeing up in Gitmo

scariest statement of the year" The Government of Vegas " LOL

yes I have read the stories of like a soccer mom in the south being shot by another mom for a traffic altercation drinking and driving dont mix and this kind of bullshit scares me more because usually they are not drunk ...just crazier than crap house rats

well if he did nothing other than play the machine the onus is on the Casion to make sure the machine work properly he wins

once had a guy do the same pulled infront opened his sun roof and threw a handful of change out it was like Machine gun fire cracked windshield etc

agreed and the scary thing is tha people carry guns down there I could see this turning into a disaster

also great for skin tags

They are Brilliant Marketers when ever I walk out of an IKEA and I dont buy something I feel like I have cheated myself like I missed out on a bargain ,its those damn signs that look like your getting a deal

thank you thank you mine a really expensive Umbra one keeps falling off great solution