that jersey Guy

Your comment leaves me puzzled. There are many things these tools can do that can't be replicated by other tools, which is the reason to own one. Zero kerf jamb cuts, for one. Or cutting out tiles. Or sanding in tight corners. And it isn't like I can't justify the tools I need—I'll bet dollars to donuts I own

I have the Rigid cordless version and while it is a good tool I would strongly recommend buying the corded version of which ever brand you buy unless you absolutely need the portability. The battery does not last all that long under heavy use and there is some sort of weird shutoff when it runs for a while, at least

A moonroof is always worth the extra money.

SNIPERS on his front lawn? For (what turned out to be false) alleged robbery? Jesus Christ.

What an ass-hat of an attorney.

Can't forget the 4-door version.

I found a picture of the production version

I wonder how many licks he's going to take behind bars.

Cops: Get out of the tree

So tired of all these Italian Job remakes.

Maybe it's my monitor, but I really can't tell from this picture which is the mentally challenged one.

I know you're a huge commenter on Deadspin but that's a really shitty thing to post about someone getting murdered. Was that lame joke really THAT important that you just couldn't refrain from posting it?

Its hard to think of a way for that support chain to be more in the way. Also does a nice job of keeping it from folding up flat.

this guy had a show on comedy central.... so unfunny...(he would never have had a show but for the jewish peace corp—-getting your own show on com central)

Of course they built one...

Here's one!

Marge: Homer, I don't think you should wear a short-sleeved shirt with a tie.
Homer: But Sipowicz does it.

Oh, say, can you see ...