I have done this not only is it useful for the person with Alzheimer's it helps lessen the families frustration when they see a loved one with a failing memory if only for 5 minutes it at least feels good
who can resist
Crazier than a crap house rat
"Success is going from failure to failure without loss of enthusiasm" : Winston churchill
yep my cousin works at a hotel in Montreal and walked in on him while he was entertaining during the grand prix there
and what about Lewis Hamilton? the rumours have been going around faster than a race car
I prefer shagging
This is America where a bunch of multi-millionaire foot ball players will sue and get Millions from the NFL and guys that put their lives on the line in Iraq and Afghanistan cant get help with jobs,PTSD and die waiting at VA hospitals....America had better wake up before its too late....maybe it already is :(
Weed summer is always the best time to buy
they wont let me bring my violin either sigh
now if you want yellower looking scrambled eggs add a pinch of cream of tartar when beating the eggs it will create a more yellow consistency
just photocopy it
he wouldnt recommend it
If this was in my Apt building someone would write "Please add Bleach"
if you want to keep it moist and keep from plumping add some wet bread crumbs in the patty it will keep it moist and keep the middle from rising