
It’s like an adorable game of peek-a-boo Golf R.

I think for almost $4k I could find a minivan and have the space to transport a grill.

Sometimes you see a car and say, I did not know you existed but I have to have you. This is not one of those times.

Ha, the license plate is fake. I ’Shop that in often when I get a direct-rear photo of a car to see who’s paying attention.

Did you photoshop the license plate or did you really get a California plate that reads “J4LOPNK”

$200 dollars for an AMG? Buy it, gut the gross interior. Turn it into a Lemons car.

Truth! Just as Serious Joanna is the best kind of Joanna Rothkopf, and Jason Torchinsky is the best kind of Jason Torchinsky.

And this is why I love your writing... Any chance you can help me draft a response to a client email?

Yes, yes, a thousand times yes! One weekend with this car and I’m spending $200 on gas, racking up many miles, and walking into work (late) on Monday with a bad sunburn and a big smile.

I think we’ve long since established that 2500$ is well within “Fuck it” territory when talking about a running and driving and generally rust free car. This is a prime target for restoration and that 2500 price is a very low barrier to entry. NP all day, every day. Even if it isn’t your taste, you have to admit it’s

I doubt this thing’s a great performer but it seems like a steal at $2,500. Someone buy it before I do.

Northern VA resident here. No one calls it anything but Route 1. They can keep the name or change it, it won’t make any difference. In the end it will still be called Route 1.

My vote is for “Loving Highway” after Mildred and Richard Loving of “Loving v. Virginia” fame. Also “loving highway” has a sort of poetical justice in replacing “that old asshole racist highway.”

Starting from Arlington headed south, Rt 1 is named:

I post this because everyone turned out okay.

The 3 drivers names? Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego

They went through an intense 27 hour surgery to separate them. Unfortunately, the weaker twin, Left, didn’t survive because they shared a single oil pump. Chief Surgeon Tracy applauded his team’s efforts, heartbreaking as this is.

I keep looking for proof it’s photoshopped. Every pixel that isn’t shopped destroys another chunk of my soul.