okay but his shirt literally says ‘hoax’ which means it’s all an elaborate ruse to get attention for taylor swift’s next music video
okay but his shirt literally says ‘hoax’ which means it’s all an elaborate ruse to get attention for taylor swift’s next music video
No amount of porn could’ve prepared me for that.
what the fuck
i was about to post this same gif lol
Kinjas being kinja so I can’t staryu
the zombie with a missing arm who appears in the living room in Shaun of the Dead is in actual amputee!
is PETA behind this?
i need it
my parents danced to ‘I Love You’ by the Climax Blues Band
fair enough - i was only in marching band in high school and didn’t go to college so i don’t know any better ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
they really are an incredible marching band
flag captain!!
ferns : the feather leaves
Please stop, I've been craving salted and buttered popcorn for weeks and salted, buttered granola just sounds like it would make my mouth explode with flavor and I can't make that right now I CANT HANDLE THESE CRAVINGS
*reads first paragraph* JESUS.
Yo what the FUCK
an old coworker of mine looks exactly like gigi and just got divorced (she’s like 26 i think??) and i just wanna hug her and say ‘good luck to you and have fun kicking away all the men and women (me, if i were single) that are about to swarm you’
how in the fuck are we failing our youth so bad that they think they can go around fucking killing each other for saying no
is there any way to donate to the clinic that performed it? even if it’s just going to fix the leaky roof, they deserve as much help as they can get for offering their services to women in situations like this.