
redacted because I don’t want to know

Why is that happening

i was thinking about this the other day since there’s like 4 different churches/cemeteries near my house. what are they going to do when they run out of room? what will we do when we develop all of the land and there’s none left for cemeteries? obviously this won’t affect me in my lifetime, but it’s still definitely

$2 may not seem like much, but back when i was making minimum wage, i had to budget for netflix and i had to know what day it would be charged to my account to make sure i had enough in checking. if it weren’t for people making a big deal out of it like this, i wouldn’t have known and it would have been shut off since

I hate them for charging me $47 for not having enough money for a scheduled $20 transfer from checking to savings

that is one cute freakin baby, even with (because of?) all that glorious hair.

hi, friend.

Pennsylvania, though maybe they know each other??

see, i thought it was like food poisoning where you just keep going and going and eventually you die of dehydration.

We have a purple lady near my town!

katherine’s face says ‘you let that hand touch me, and i’ll fucking kill you’

i used to work at burger king - i second your sister.

Like Spoogeon Seaweed.


as someone who had their CEL come in with less than 1,000 miles on the car, HA.

i ALSO only have 3 wisdom teeth! my one dentist thought i was lying about it when i gave them a heads up about it.

i remember when my dad had a flip phone he got so used to T9 that when he got one with a keyboard, he ended up not even using it half the time because numbers were faster.

i used to play xbox games on my brother’s account and would get (humblebrag) pretty high ratings from people because i wouldn’t use the microphone and they’d assume i was a guy.

all the IRL vegans i know give me the ‘well, it WAS once alive’ speech but then leave it at that because we respect each others opinions on meat, but almost all the internet vegans i know are like ‘YOU’RE GONNA BURN IN HELL YOU SCUMBAG MEAT EATING FUCKWAD I HOPE SOMEONE COOKS YOU ALIVE AND EATS YOU FOR BREAKFAST WITH

wait is that its tail?