
Yes, exactly. Attacking a straw man version of “believe all women” to discredit it is one thing they do to get away with it.

Because obliterating nuance like this is exactly what the bastards want.


When your work is on a public platform designed for people to share it with each other for free...

Believing women means taking their claims seriously, it doesn’t literally mean anyone accused of a crime by a woman is automatically guilty so we don’t need to look into it.


Sorry, I only note things that are true.

This isn’t a comedy website, it’s a pop-culture news website. Some articles like this are especially lazy, but telling us the funny things comedians are doing is exactly their job. It’s hardly “stealing” jokes if you cite who made them.

Oh, Dennis Miller lost his mind years ago.

He made a movie with Dennis Prager; It’s not just you.

I’m assuming the half of the country hoping for thought policing you’re talking about is the one who’s leader thinks SNL making fun of the president is probably illegal and frequently attacks the abstract concept of journalism outside of state-approved propaganda.


Yeah, it’s always fun when the Nazis turn your work into a new hate symbol.

His performance is such a risky move, that kind of super-mannered mentally challenged character could have easily tipped over into something terrible and offensive. But he totally pulls it off.

This is one of those “if a tree falls in a forest” kind of things.


That’s not even a twist though, that’s just the premise. The trailer makes it explicit.

Magazine article? Is this a gimmick account? You’re a Charlie Kaufman fan and you can’t handle a little flowery language? What?

A movie based on a book could be 99% the book or 1%, presumably someone who’s seen and read them is in a better position to judge the ratio.