
I feel like that was the last time Kanye had anything sensible to say.

Consider this your periodic reminder that Kanye tried to help Donald Trump get reelected, to the point of allowing some shady shenanigans done in his name. I don’t know why nobody seems to remember or care

Chappelle’s claim that the town council was trying to making him “audition” is the kind of smug peevishness that seems to characterize his personality these days.  By “audition,” he meant that the town council did not automatically give him what he wanted, and instead treated him like he was one of many citizens of

Man he really has done a great job tanking his reputation.  Fighting with trans people and poor people isn't a great image!

dave chappelle is just a normal guy who controls a small town like a supervillain.

The endless flashbacks made me start to feel that the main thread of the story was never going anywhere, but it resolved itself in quick order.

The movies were good except for Bender’s Game! The Comedy Central run was a mixed bag but it ended wonderfully, and I thought that was a perfect time to stop. The cracks were showing, but it could still go out on a relatively high note. From what I’ve seen, the general sentiment is nervousness. Especially

Seemed like Clarke Tech to me right from the beginning. But I do understand people's frustration with the final couple episodes

No Joe, noone got deplatformed for saying “you can still catch and spread Covid if you got vaccinated” because vaccination =/= immunization. What DID get people deplatformed was flat out encouraging people to refuse vaccinations because they are being used by the government to implant tracking chips in you.

Rogan has a target on his back because of his popularity.

Find me 1 example of someone being banned for saying the vaccine isn’t 100% effective, at any point in time.

Because no one was removed from social media for saying “if you get vaccinated, you can still catch COVID and you can still spread COVID.”

The lie is that you would get banned for saying the vaccine is not 100% effective and that it doesn’t stop you from spreading covid. When I got my first shot back in January 2021 I was informed by official CDC documents of both of these supposedly unspeakable truths that Joe is pretending some nefarious group

When you have one pro-vaccine and one pro-covid person, you’re giving the impression that the pro-covid idiots represent 50% of the medical establishment, not some fringe subgroup

So I don’t know this or not, but is Rogan telling people to not get vaccinated?

whenever i see joe rogan all i can think is “this guy used to ask people if they’d like to eat a horse’s rectum” on a game show and now he’s a bastion of truth to half the country.

“Like, for instance, eight months ago, if you said ‘if you get vaccinated, you can still catch COVID and you can still spread COVID,’ you would be removed from social media. They would ban you from certain platforms.”

Antigravity and sonic weapons are stapes of science fiction, including hard-ish SF. I don’t understand why people have a problem with them here. I mean, suddenly, flying robots are a dealbreaker? Flying robots are everywhere in SF.