
You’re the one who’s a fan of the dude killing people with medical misinformation and helping Neo-Nazis spread their ideas.

Fuck this dangerous shithead. Doing friendly soft-ball interviews where he promotes the views of Neo-Nazis and anti-vaxxers is harmful and he should fucking know it.

You’re complaining that a powerful android fueled by mysterious energy from beyond the stars can fly. Of course it’s not going to seem coherent to you if you think you’re watching a completely different kind of show.

and it’s starting to feel like a slog the way Watchmen was around episode 6 or 7.

Your loss.

Mother turns into a flying bronze Christ-pose statue called a Necromancer and screams people to death in the first episode! I have no idea how so many people somehow got the impression that this was supposed to be realistic hard-sci-fi.

It’s just not hard-sci-fi. How are people confused by this? When was it ever implied that this show was trying to be gritty and realistic?

I’ve never seen more people misinterpret what kind of show something is than the first season of this show. Mother is flying around as a bronze Christ-pose statue called a “Necromancer” and screaming people to death, in the first episode. But people seem convinced that this is supposed to be a realistic hard-sci-fi

Get some help, dude.

She didn’t even use the word feelings.

We know what’s going on. The right-wing needs a new scapegoat now that it’s too unpopular to go after gay people.

You’re mighty judgmental about people being ridiculous for someone hanging out on the AVClub.

This looks great. I hope they let me see it one day.

Wow, reviews of MCU movies talk about MCU movies? That’s crazy.

Won’t someone think of the poor incredibly rich people?

Nice Guy: The Rapper.

That’s a real shame, I wasn’t sure about it at first but it’s just been getting better and better each season.


You mean sounding like she’s from New York because she’s from New York?

Can someone please show this to The Rock.