
Some would say it’s the opposite of the point of the movie.

Sounds like a straight up apology. “We fucked up, and it’s not ok” is the opposite of a passive-aggressive “apology”.

You’re right, the literal translation of a word does always have the exact same connotations as the original.

Yeah, that was fucked up. It’s straight up the poster you would make for a show about sexy strippers, except they’re all 8. I don’t know what they were thinking.


Oh no, that poor rapist! Is he going to be ok?

You’re at least thirty years too late on that battle.

I guess the kids should just lay down and die then, since everything’s already been done.

The fact that his workplace made it easier for him to get away with sexual assault isn’t really a point in his favor. If anything it make it even more important that he not be allowed back.

You can bend over backwards as much as you want to pretend that his rape isn’t rape. I don’t buy his “they must have felt threatened by a large man blocking the exit and jerking off at them... because they respected me so much!” non-apology.

Maybe we could just start taking things politicians say seriously? Seems like a better solution than making bigotry socially acceptable.

No, I think it’s probably about him saying shitty bigoted things over and over in his act.

When you serially sexually assault people in your workplace, not having that career anymore is getting off very, very light. He can fucking dig ditches for a living, who gives a shit.

Haha, all those rapes were just a funny misunderstanding! What a cutup.

Yes, and that’s why it’s especially bad that he forced people.

A rich famous person’s career being hampered just because they’re a serial rapist is the worst injustice to ever occur!

Like, how many women have been driven out of the industry by shit like this? Not having a career in comedy anymore is the absolute LEAST he deserves.

Jesus Christ. Just talking in full sentences is enough to get you weirdos to jizz your pants. No, defending a rapist’s career resuscitation in calm reasonable tones is still wrong.

Yeah, black people can be shitty too. Did you really think that was going to blow our minds?

No one’s arrested Louie CK for this. Not having a career in comedy anymore after serial sexual assault is getting off VERY light. He can fucking dig ditches like the rest of us.