Yeah, shockingly social justice messages have been around literally from the very beginning of Sci-Fi. It’s fun how shitty trolls keep pretending that it’s a brand new thing.
Yeah, shockingly social justice messages have been around literally from the very beginning of Sci-Fi. It’s fun how shitty trolls keep pretending that it’s a brand new thing.
You know you’re spending your time bickering with people on a pop-culture website right?
“ that divided the fan community in half”
I wouldn’t necessarily blame Katie Rife, Kinja is a ridiculous system that seems to banish people randomly.
Oh, so you’ve seen this movie?
There’s a new John Woo movie (Manhunt) and a Clive Owen techno-thriller (Anon) on Netflix! Sure, most of their original movies have been bad, but these might be good!
Wow, the conservative trolls are out in force for these stories. You’re just making your side look worse, ya dweeb.
So you literally don’t even know what she said and you’re still going to come out against her?
The negative comments about it are such ridiculous over-reactions and outright lies that it can’t help but make her look good.
Screw YouTube Red and their limited country nonsense. How did moving TV to the Internet make it less international?
Uh, I think it’s more the “I love Trump” stuff that he’s getting smeared for.
Sounds about right. “Trump has good qualities” is a pretty extreme position.
Man, I’m not sure about this newest Hardy-Accent.
It’s metaphorical!
Yeah, do we really want America to be the kind of “postmodern hell hole” where a person is punished just for... poisoning homeless people?
Kroll Show is literally the only thing I can think of that made “Canada jokes” without just being the same hacky bullshit.
That doesn’t sound like the respect that’s due.
This will be the third Terminator thing in a row to retcon out everything since T2. Maybe that’s a sign.
Compelling, beautiful, suspenseful, getting to some essential emotional truth. The whole point of his kind of movies is to express a feeling or experience that can’t be put into words.
Aww, man! So you’re saying a watched a bunch of fantastic movies for nothing?