
She took scholarships meant for black kids. She took education from black kids. That’s cause for more than ridicule.

I’m 95% sure this is just Daniel Day Lewis Prepping for a role.

Sadly, based on interviews she has given in the past, it sounds like she has had a very rough life. According to Rachel, her parents were abusive, and when she was an adult her parents adopted 3 young black children; around the same time, she began altering her appearance. Also around this same time, she allegedly was

So her husband and that black rent-an-actor of a dad were all in on it. This is pure, unadultered fuckshit right here.

“Hey, you’re black, right?”

That cat looks nothing like Shatner. This one on the other hand...

I would like to go on record and say that Adderall and alcohol absolutely DO mix. You do you, Jessica Simpson.

You are starting to sound like your mother.

I know some people have complained about how much love Inside Amy Schumer gets from Jezebel but, as someone who doesn’t have cable, please accept my wholehearted gratitude for posting her clips! The woman is a genius and I love that Jezebel is giving her the shout outs she deserves.

I’m with you. The women is a model who doesn’t really work as much as others do. I’m sure she has the time and resources to spend 15 minutes on this.

THAT looked “comfortable”?

Calling yourself a nerd seems like a humblebrag way to claim brains and depth.

I mean, tbh, I am in the camp of thinking it’s pretty good form, especially for formal events, to be well groomed, including your hands and feet. I don’t think you have to use polish. It’s just good to have clean, even nails.

I mean, this WHOLE SITE is about beauty and fashion.

Team GinAndTonic for life.

I think I’d have to be a man to be a mansplainer, right? Or do people think I’m actually Freddie Mercury?

It looks like she’s been run over. By a cartoon car.

I would love it if he would become a regular Dirt Bag featuree.

This one is dated, and doesn’t technically involve the musician, but I’ll share. Also, I’m not sure if it is true, but considering my aunts love to tell the story when they’re drunk, and my mother gets all huffy while not explicitly calling it a lie, I believe it. My mom and two of her sisters came to the US (she’s

Imma come back in an hour after more people have gotten a chance to comment