Thaag the Troll

Trump is Vader: the scary face of the evil.
Pence is the Emperor. He is the evil.

Give yourself a bit of time, but take a little comfort:

1. $12-15 minimum wage in Washington, Arizona, Colorado, and Maine
2. CA, NV, and MA legalized hemp
3. Sheriff Shitpants no longer has a job.
4. Congress gap narrowed and some bad assholes are gone.

Or the BoBs can pull their heads out of their asses and make up for going through with their threats by trying to stop the hemorrhaging in 2 years.

The BoBs in my FB feed are now all blame-gaming (going from anger to bargaining stages of grief). Me, I’m in the depression stage with flits of anger. But I have a very sick kitty to tend to so I’ve bigger things on my mind than the fate of this nation.

(it was a joke, quit dogpiling me)

I just wish that man had put his considerable talents to the powers of good. He refined his skill considerably over the years.

Do you see these stars? all of them for you.

I’ve found his tracts as far away as Honolulu.

I want to use that term “madame President” even on inappropriate occasions when it is completely out-of-context.

I wish I could be in the same boat with you, but my abuser also cheated so I am biased. From what I’ve heard from other marital abuse survivors, a lot of abusers also cheat.

My eternal love for him might be fading upon seeing him use an Apple.

Acetobacter Capitol just doesn’t sound right. Or it sounds too right?

(Not counting the abovementioned pet vinegar bacteria, I also have 8 cats and 3 goldfish.)

I wish to submit to you my new SiL Caleb. He’s a gem of a young man. I knew he was going to be my SiL as soon as I watched him meet my daughter in ‘08. He’s not perfect but he makes my baby happy and treats her properly, and I actually like being around him. I hope this has broken that streak of insufferable Calebs.

Maybe we misunderstood. Maybe it’s an anti-biblical vagenda. Of manocide.

Same guy who was also boning Callista while married to the woman he was boning while his first wife was in the hospital recovering from cancer. While impeaching Bill Clinton. For lying about boning someone not his wife.

Am I the only person pissed off by “on fleek”?

These are your stars.

You’re assuming he lives that long in a non-vegetative state.

Pry my mod from my cold dead hands.

But Norquist can literally STFU about it.

Notice he reaches for the bird’s tail.