Bernie Bros and Bernie supporters are two different things. Even Bernie told the Bernie Bros to stop their misogynist bullshit.
Bernie Bros and Bernie supporters are two different things. Even Bernie told the Bernie Bros to stop their misogynist bullshit.
Except in cases where you’re required to by an HOA, care about your property values, or care about your relationship with your neighbors.
Men sure are emotional and irrational lately. I think we need to stop letting them make statements, run things, and read the news until we can get a handle on what’s happening.
Apparently Sony loves them a three year mark because yet another Spider-Man movie is being forced down our throats this summer even though they just made a Spider-Man movie in 2014.
Hm. Okay. One can never know what goes through another person’s mind. Maybe Anderson Cooper is a GIANT sexist. It is true testament to his great professionalism, that his seething, gnawing, red-pill-guzzling sexism, after decades in the public eye, never, ever surfaced until this very second. It could very well be,…
Maybe, but as long as those rules aren’t harming anyone, I don’t judge.
Do you really think we’re not having nuanced convos about sexism in the Trump administration? That’s cool, thanks for reading!
I loved the kid’s knowing side smile after he gets “bopped,” like he can’t wait now to harass Pence for an apology.
To me, it reeked of “high risk pregnancy”. Since, apparently, she stayed in bed for most of the time.
noun nui·sance \ˈnü-sən(t)s, ˈnyü-\
an annoying or troublesome person, thing, or situation
If there’s one thing we’ve learned recently, elections should come with a 90 day, money back, full product replacement warranty.
I can say from a rather short experience that solitary confinement is torture in every way but name.
I was picked up on an outstanding warrant, having just left a rehab facility for a variety of issues (drug and alcohol abuse, major depressive disorder, etc.), and was taken to my local jail. I was in an already…
May make him an asshole but I’m not ready to equate men who cheat with men who sexually harass/assault women.
Moana will make you sob.