
If Tulsi Gabbard weren’t so friendly with Russians and Trump and wasn’t desperately trying to have mean girl moments with Kamala Harris and Hillary Clinton, she might actually be worth listening to.”

The damage is estimated to be close to $200.”

It seems a lot of his problem might also be that he is not very bright. But I too laughed out loud at this remark from the unfortunate and exasperated person who said, “I’m afraid maybe next month he’d be a black Jewish woman. I don’t know.” 

I have a mixed race son whose father is black and all his cousins “look black.” My son “looks white.” That is, the African part of my son’s heritage is not perceptible to most people; except for his fairly curly brown hair, he “looks” more like his European mother. But he sure doesn’t want to not identify with half of

Exactly how many black folks do you think are getting their news ONLY from Michael Harriot’s articles? That was an odd claim.

Our cousin was married to a young woman with alopecia universalis, meaning all her hair follicles were failing—eyebrows, eyelashes, all of her body hair. She tried to make the best of it, not wearing a wig, getting a small tattoo on her scalp, brazening her way through it. She faced comments that she was using her

Wanting to strangle Trump doesn’t preclude retroactively wanting to strangle Nixon, now does it?

Yeah!  LOL!  Trump is finally successful in getting Ukraine to announce an investigation! 

OMG. You are a piece of work when it comes to consistent thought. First, I have said over and over that Bernie Bros are assholes. Yes, you are correct, they damage Bernie, which I also said. I despair for your reading comprehension, as well as your ability to think logically.

The media did not make that guy act like a jackass.

We’ll stop calling them that when they stop being it.

thank you.  Facts and reason do matter

There are crazy True Believers in all campaigns. I hope you are not equating this ridiculous Lucea guy with Bernie and / or his many mainstream (i.e., not “bros”) supporters simply on the common identifier, “socialist.” Intentional or not, to write and quote so much about this guy’s B.S. after your comments about

I don’t think it’s reclaimable. It inherently sounds like a slur, whether or not one knows the history. I say this because the first time I heard it, i was turned off at a gut level. I’m not alone.

I appreciate and agree with everything you’ve said, AND I want to highlight a related thing I see in your comment: the use of the term “democrat messaging.” This is also something that many of us have accidentally absorbed from the Republican side, so much so that it shows up in articles in progressive media. Below is

On the general topic of “things to call people,” I notice, Zack, that you use the terms “democrat conspiracy,” “democrat leaders” and “democrat leadership,” not by way of quoting King, but in your surrounding paragraphs.

Excellent response. Thank you. We all have our struggles. Throwing crap at people when it’s none of our business is cruel, not helpful. If and when Lizzo wants to make any kind of change for any of her very own reasons, she’ll do it when she’s ready (or not). Meantime, we can all just shut up about it, and / or work

actually, 30 years now.  

thank you.  Excellent translation.

Thank you.  I really appreciate your clear and heartfelt writing about this painful reality.