
Well this seems like a waste of energy that accomplishes nothing. 

Listen, if people don’t even understand the difference between someone having an accent because they grew up in New York City (e.g. Awkwafina) vs someone putting on an accent that has nothing to do with their background for commercial gain (e.g. Iggy Azalea) then I doubt they will think for even a moment about where

Seriously. I’ve never understood the problem and will never bother to try.

I’ve only seen her in Shang-Chi, which I watched on a flight on Monday, so I don’t have a whole lot of research to bring to the table, but considering I saw the movie before I saw this, like... who gives a shit?

Nah, this is wasted backlash! Plus the NAACP has nominated racist pieces of shit before, including Donald Sterling. We need to choose our battles  carefully and strategically. This ain't it!

Weird that you call it “blaccent” when I call it “average citizen from New York”

I don’t understand the back lash. She’s a person of color thus the award. She’s from NYC thus the accent and attitude. Ya’ll never watched Nora from Queens or her YouTube videos? I think the people complaining want her to sound “Asian”?

The most depressing part isn’t even the amount of suffering incoming. It’s how little so many people care about that suffering because they feel it won’t happen to them.

He’s been invited to the table but hasn’t shown up because it’s not going to be a “dialogue”. It’s going to be them calling him a bigot unless what they want to hear comes out of his mouth.

You don’t have the energy to speak up against wrong and the lionization of wrong? Yet you’ve got all the time today to also wish that those who do have the energy and loud enough voices would just whisper or shut the hell up entirely? And you think that laissez-faire approach is a virtue?

Since you used the word angelic you must know what it means. No human is immune from criticism!

His Iraq performance AFTER Mai Lai is how you know his VAGUE REGRETS were performative. His bones were made, career sundowning, kids grown, educated and gone...what other non-excuses did he have?!

Please don’t be THAT guy - the one reflexively defending other Black men without regard to what they’ve done. Our brains gather and weigh information against our individual moral code at the speed of micro-milliseconds. The more education, exposure, experience and training we get enables us to do it even faster. Our

As I was reading the article I was thinking of ways to delicately and sensitively call attention to certain things… but then I saw your comment and decided to star it instead. His good deeds don’t balance out even the whitewashing of the Mai Lai massacre, never mind his empty vial performance at the UN which led to

Check me out the day Bush or Dick dies and they start lionizing. 

My guess?

I get where you are coming from, but the dude investigated the Mai Lai Massacre back in the 70s when he was far, far away from Secretary of State, and he decided the soldiers didn’t do anything wrong...20 years later, he reached a different conclusion.

Yeah, I mean I’m sorry he died and more so for his family. And his he had a remarkable career and achievements.

If you're commenting on a site called "The A.V. Club" about what other people you don't know and will probably never know are choosing to watch with with their free time, then you really need to turn off your computer and go outside. There's your own life to live; don't get too caught up in how other people are