
Once again, a neighborhood “Karen” risks people’s lives by calling the cops. The Karen’s are truly accessories to murder, as many many times, deadly force has been the outcome as the racism between Karen sources and cop sources converge.

If they didn’t “have jurisdiction in the mall” they would not have been dispatched there in the first place.

Nope. Not similar. That’s my final decision. Case dismissed.

I agree. But even more than a hefty fine, I’d like to see his restitution be forced labor for just as many years as Mr. John Smith did, cleaning and cleaning and cleaning in 100% black owned businesses, for no less than 100 hours a week and for $0.00 pay, since that’s what he thought was a good deal for John. I don’t

It seems to me that we all get caught in “either-or” thinking in tragedies like this. As if the only questions are: “Should he have shot her?” OR “Should he have not shot her and let her stab the other girl (presumably) to death?”

...played by

It’s interesting that the conservative National Review called his testimony
“preposterous” and “an overall disaster for the defense.”

Well honed sarcasm! No need to add the /S          :)

my sarcasm detector must be fine tuned.  I knew it at sentence #2.  (and enjoyed it all, btw).

Tanden’s “mean tweets” are the least of what should sink her nomination. She is NOT a progressive (MSNBC’s “progressive fighter” moniker notwithstanding), and I can’t understand how anyone who reads anything about her can mistake her for one. Her record includes advocating for cuts to entitlements, arguing against a

According to the Washington Post article, she had been a guest in the hotel 3 days earlier.  The hotel knows her name, or can certainly look it up.  so can the Uber.  They apparently are not stepping up.

“she looks hispanic or like some other type of POC.” What on earth is your point though? Clearly, she is using her WHITE privilege to garner the support of the manager, who clearly has taken her side based on her targets being BLACK, as would the police who, true to form, have apparently not even bothered to follow up

But why?  I think it’s really well done, particularly for the young audience it is intended for. Do you mean they just won’t be able to admit that those examples really even happen?  Another response like, “why are you making everything about race?”

I agree.  I won’t believe it until we see it, and even then, Trump will challenge it. 

“...because this is how official government business is done when 53 percent of white women vote against their own self-interest...”

Feeling some sense of justice that the key person who mismanaged the crisis through his greed, narcissism, and lying, is not the same as being “happy that he tested positive for Covid-19.”

omg.  i have those exact flannel plaid slipper boots.  I might never feel the same about them again :D

Krista, i agree that no reconciliation is possible with Bev. And since Bev claims to BE the heart of Wall of Mom’s (the threats showing that clearly), while i initially balked at the idea of disbanding WOM instead of just ousting Bev, I now realize that since the name was and is over-identified with Bev, disbanding

In fact, the next steps are going well. Betsy, are you in Portland.  If so, you know now that the new group, “Mom’s United for Black Lives,” got 10,000 new members in the first 48 hours. The discussion on our private FB page is going well, with all the women engaging in dialog about what following black leadership

What you described as ideal is exactly what I observed at the protests. Young black leaders (and only black leaders) atop the pillars of the (in)Justice center called over loudspeakers the timing and location of when the various “walls” would march down to the line to form three lines of defense to protect protesters.