
Yes.  And I can imagine wanting to take justice into my own hands...

True. Racism is not a mental illness. But it’s possible to have both “conditions” at the same time. This guy seems surely to have both white supremacy and derangement.

“That was unabomber-esque.”

Nah.  Stop and Frisk exempted him from the luxury of any benefit of the doubt.

Wake up, WWells! It should be well known and documented by now that, to racists, when a not-white person looks and sounds smarter than they are, they are shocked (!) into complimenting them. The racist’s picture of black and brown people is that they are bumbling criminals (he already proved in NYC with many years and

Whenever I see good news about any of the exonerated five and their lives now, my heart swells with relief that they are vindicated, and with joy that they are living their lives now with so much support and love from so many.

please go back to the greys.  

no, not exactly. “introverts” are not necessarily socially awkward or insensitive. The core feature of an introvert is not that “interpersonal communication does not come naturally;” it is that in general introverts prefer genuine conversation that has some depth, very little small talk or other social Styrofoam, and

I wish that instead of “cultural and sensitivity training” they could call it “Orientation to White Supremacy and Unearned Privilege.”  

Yep. That was my point. That’s why the Innocence Project, Lee Merritt, and Shaun King and countless other activists do the real work. Yet, the articles focus only on the celebrities. Partly, that’s ok, if that’s part of what it takes to make these stories known. Many Americans care more about the weight fluctuations

BRAVO!  a joy to read.  

well...the celebrities can and always do take the credit (and having said that, I’m glad they were there), but what it really took (and always takes) are tons of us working every day all day, from the Innocence Project to Lee Merritt to Shaun King to countless people who know Rodney’s story—calling, sending emails and

Please Karu! Apologize for this misleading headline! The article contradicts it! The lead in on Facebook is even worse:

Yep, i agree, because her message has evolved into, “a black man is making me commit suicide.” She’s bonkers.

yep.  More poetic and flowing, too.

But at least Ted was actually intelligent.

These might be the same people who, as motorists, pass you and then weave through four lanes of traffic, only to wait with you at the stop light. They haven’t yet figured out that the lights are timed. Or, they live solely for the potential of that .004 second advantage.

Yeah! I loved that. He flipped.  He cart-wheeled.  Daddy loves her.

I can’t take my eyes off her teeth!

Regarding “slave” vs. “enslaved,” it is like so many words that are, in Coate’s terms, “duhumanizing” but which go on for so long and so ubiquitously that we lose the conscious sense that they are dehumanizing. And alternative wording often eludes us.